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MAP Bridges Radio, Television Newsrooms

PHF Com connects Ross Video, ENCO systems to share newsroom assets

From Radio World’s “Who’s Buying What” page: Radio and television journalists at Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) in Rabat, Morocco, now share the same newsroom computer system thanks to ENCO Systems and PHF Com.

The state-run MAP operates a full news agency for the Moroccan government and royal family, as well as the M24 television news channel and, since 2019, Radio de l’Information Marocaine (RIM). For its newsroom, MAP relies upon a Ross Video Inception system; however, harmonizing the system’s workflow for both radio and television required PHF COM to integrate a Media Object Server protocol to connect playout systems, including the ENCO DAD automation system used by RIM Radio.

MAP operates an all-IP workflow, noted PHF Com CEO Younes Yamouni, with native ST 2110 video infrastructure on the television side and AES67 audio flows for both radio and TV.

The MOS protocol integration allows journalists and news producers to search and access DAD audio assets, and Inception rundowns are automatically synchronized as playlists with the DAD system.

“That is especially useful when journalists have a last-minute change,” stated Yamouni. “They simply go into the interface to make changes to the story and modify the rundown. The change in running order is immediately reflected in the playlist, even if that playlist is already on the air.”

Currently three MAP studios can access the shared system, according to Yamouni, but that they system can grow as new streams and services are added.

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