Digital Alert Systems has released Version 5.2 software for compatible DASDEC and One-Net emergency messaging devices.
“Version 5.2 is key for compliance with the FCC’s rules due in December, so we encourage all customers to move to this version as quickly as possible,” said Bill Robertson, vice president of business development, in the announcement.
Three sets of modifications were necessary to meet the FCC’s order, the company said.
The first is to the text displayed during a national-level alert message. The NPT and EAN event codes are now referred to as “Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System” and “National Emergency Message,” respectively. Also the text for the primary entry point (PEP) originator code is now “United States Government” rather than “Primary Entry Point,” and the station EAS originator code has changed to “EAS Participant.”
“The second set of modifications adds the FCC-required function for the DASDEC to generate a predefined message when it receives a national NPT or EAN message via conventional EAS relay rather than from Common Alerting Protocol,” the company said.
The third set relates to prioritizing CAP alert messages with Triggered CAP Polling.
“The latest FCC rules required changes to Triggered CAP Polling, removing the option for selectivity in each Alert Node and forcing it to be always on. Digital Alert Systems has provided the Triggered CAP Polling feature since 2018. The FCC changes now make this function mandatory, without any user-allowed overrides.”
The V5.2 update also improves security features and includes safelists to restrict access to the device.
The update requires a DASDEC or One-Net device with a 64-bit processor. Users whose units shipped since 2016 can install it using the company’s field upgrade server. Once a device is running Version 5.0, future in-version upgrades are available at no cost.
The update is free for anyone running Version 5.0 series software who has purchased a new DASDEC unit, is enrolled in the company’s Software Assurance Plan or has participated in its UpTrade program since October 2022. The cost for other users varies. Contact the company for more info.