Li.LAC Microphone Disinfector Debuts
The rack-mounted encasement uses ultraviolet light to clean microphones
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The rack-mounted encasement uses ultraviolet light to clean microphones
During the disruption of the pandemic, radio’s strength is more clear than ever
CPB will award $275,000 in grants to 14 stations in communities with high infection...
“We think this is a positive step in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and...
“Ready to go”: Survey reflects an economy that’s opening back up
Are state changes prompting stations to stop requiring face coverings?
U.S. weekly radio listening is back up, though not yet to pre-pandemic levels
A Q&A with association President Victoria St. John on plans for 2022 PREC
Stations have much to consider when it comes to welcoming back staff and guests
RadioMan 6 helps news content provider handle pandemic
NAB leader points to broadcasters’ ability to message locally
More than $300,000 awarded to coordinate COVID-19 PSAs
Report sheds light on community radio’s pandemic service
Community radio must be included in President Biden’s vaccine education planning
Understanding attitudes is the tricky part of being on-air during the virus
Regional approach highlighted in partnership with Reynolds Journalism Institute
Broadcaster points to “studio of the future” and “cost savings”
New Nielsen report tracks the past eight months of data in the top 50...
Local disputes over face coverings offer chances for radio to intervene
The portal is designed to assist broadcasters with aspects like education, training, advocacy and...
A Q&A with Jeff Chang of the Chang Media Group
The Public’s Radio held its first pledge drive since the coronavirus lockdown. Here’s a...
Pittman: “The challenges that we have faced due to COVID-19 were unprecedented …”
Audio company releases its latest financial numbers
CTA’s Gary Shapiro says it’s not safe to convene in Las Vegas in early...
A Q&A with Daniela Zamora of Detroit’s WDTW
Associations from all 50 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico signed letter
A Q&A with Kongsue Xiong of Asian American Broadcasting in Minnesota
Work strategies remain disrupted; more centralization is likely longer-term
Awards to recognize promos, concerts and videos that educate listeners during the COVID-19 pandemic
How can a music station respond to today’s cultural explosion?
In good times people like to advertise, in bad times, people have to advertise
The pandemic has brought out the best from many institutions including Europe's public service...
Graduates, families could tune to KNLX and listen while watching from their cars
New personal distancing monitor sounds an alarm or vibrates if people are too close
Bills decision to go virtual as an elimination of traditional barriers
Event had been planned for Baltimore in October
Sun Radio Foundation is accepting applications for $250 gifts for needy stations