What Can Digital-Only Boosters Do for You?
They fill large coverage gaps and can help rimshots improve edge-of-coverage performance
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They fill large coverage gaps and can help rimshots improve edge-of-coverage performance
Jurison says it costs little to get started, and the upside is high
The group wants to provide another option to supplement "obsolete" hardware
A sampling of quotes from our past award recipients
Alan Jurison is the recipient of the 2024 Radio World Excellence in Engineering Award.
Jurison emphasizes the need to process those two identically
Alan Jurison: “What we are heading towards is a completely new ecosystem for our...
New leadership for radio metadata and digital radio standards development teams
Work of the NAB Radio Technology Committee pays a dividend
Roz Clark, Alan Jurison are panelists in Pro Audio & Radio Tech Summit
With dashboards using so much data, it’s important to maintain proper injection levels
Get the latest RDS best practices and hear about AM digital from two engineers...
New set of best practices focuses on the configuration, alignment and maintenance of HD...
The mystery of getting the $ symbol to display properly in RDS is solved
Alan Jurison takes a closer look at recently issued guidelines for stations and manufacturers