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SBE 2024 Membership Drive Draws 80 New Members

The recruiting initiative ran from March to May

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has released the results of its annual recruitment efforts. Every year, the SBE conducts a member recruitment drive, which calls on current SBE members to encourage their non-member colleagues to join the association. This year, the SBE reports that 79 individual members and one Sustaining member were recruited.

The theme for the 2024 drive, which ran from March 1 to May 31, was “Shape the Future: Recruit a New SBE Member.”

As a recruiting incentive to members, the SBE asked for prize donations from SBE sustaining member companies. Four companies (Davicom, Heartland Video Systems, Orban and Telos), in addition to the SBE, provided prizes this year, ranging from shirts and hats to broadcast equipment.

Additionally, SBE members were offered $5 per each new member they recruited (up to $25), to be taken off their annual membership dues.

All the recruiters were eligible for the Membership Drive Grand Prize: A trip the SBE National Meeting in the fall. That meeting will be held during the Midwest Regional Broadcasters Clinic in Madison, Wis. The Grand Prize winner this year is Mark Johnson of Gray Television in Atlanta.

The close of the drive resulted in 80 new recruited members, who were sponsored by 53 current members. The recruiters represent 44 different SBE chapters.

The Society of Broadcast Engineers, at present, has 3,784 members. According to an SBE spokesperson, the organization was at its largest in June 2004, with 5,939 members reported.

The list of prizes and the winning recruiters will be published in the August 2024 issue of The Signal, the SBE’s bi-monthly newsletter, and on the SBE website.

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