The National Association of Broadcasters is accepting entries for its annual NAB Crystal Radio Awards, which recognize outstanding community service efforts by radio stations.
NAB member stations can submit an online entry through NAB’s member platform, My NAB, describing their community service efforts for the 2021 calendar year. The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31.
Finalists will be announced in February, with award recipients being honored at the 2022 NAB Show, April 23–27 in Las Vegas.
Entry information is available on the award web page.
Last year’s recipients were KSL(FM), Salt Lake City; KRSP(FM), Salt Lake City; KSTP(FM), St. Paul; WBAP(AM), Dallas; WDRV(FM), Chicago; WFXE(FM), Columbus, Ga.; WJJY(FM), Brainerd, Minn.; WMMR(FM), Philadelphia; WSB(FM), Atlanta; and WWRM(FM), Tampa. Howard University’s WHUR(FM) in Washington received the Crystal Heritage Award.