The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’s Digital Broadcasting Symposium wrapped up Friday, March 6, at the Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Among one of the hot topics of the event was digital radio.
Bernie O’Neill, Joan Warner and Lindsay Cornell spoke during a workshop organized by WorldDMB on the digitization of DAB radio and its continued growth around the world. In addition, broadcasters from the Asia-Pacific region spoke about the developing concerns regarding digital radio in their individual countries.
Digital Radio Mondiale was also on hand during the conference. The consortium gave a general address March 4, entitled “Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) — Delivering to all your needs.” And the following day, March 5, it sponsored a workshop called “Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) — Clever Radio for Smart Countries,” which focused on the cost savings brought through single frequency network deployment.
Broadcast professionals from more than 40 countries took part in this year’s event to take stock in the latest developments in evolving technologies. More than 600 people came out to listen to 73 speaks discuss topics like digital archiving, digital radio, 4K and IP production.
A technical exhibition also ran simultaneous to the conference.