A new survey from a media research firm found that radio has good reason to be optimistic about increased radio listening in the months ahead.
The Ratings Prospects Study 18 from NuVoodoo suggests that radio listening is set to increase over the next several months as more vaccinated people consider returning to the office.
In its nationwide study in June 2021 of more than 3,100 respondents aged 14 to 54 years old, NuVoodoo asked participants to share details of their current work situation. The study also asked respondents to forecast what they expect their current work situation to be by the end of 2021.
[Read: Nielsen Has Good News in May Numbers]
The report found that a significant number of respondents are expecting to return to the office or jobsite by year’s end. This increase should result in an 11-point rise in out-of-home commuting by the end of 2021.
To help stations focus on this rebooting of commuting over the next several months, NuVoodoo will share results of the survey through a series of webinars beginning in mid-July.
“The return to work outside the home is great for radio,” said Leigh Jacobs, executive vice president of research for NuVoodoo Media Services.
“While FM/AM streaming consumption is slightly better among those who work from home compared to those who work outside their home, total at-work radio listening is better among those who work outside the home.”
As a result, NuVoodoo is encouraging stations to focus their marketing message of the return to commuting and work, said Mike O’Connor, executive vice president of marketing for NuVoodoo Media Services. “We’re calling our webinar series ‘Reboot the Commute’ because that’s where we see the growth opportunity for our clients.”
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