WASHINGTON � Ahead of the Sept. 27 mandatory national test of the emergency alert system, the FCC�s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau says the EAS Test Reporting System is now accepting 2017 filings. Also, an updated EAS Operating Handbook is now available.
To access the ETRS, the commission reminds filers that they must first create an FCC username within the User Registration System, then associate their FCC registration numbers to that username. If you already have a user name from another FCC system, you can use it to access ETRS.
EAS participants must renew their identifying information required by ETRS Form One annually. The 2017 ETRS Form One must be submitted on or before Aug. 28.� Remember that each EAS decoder, encoder and encoder/decoder units should have a separate form submitted.
Prior to midnight on Sept. 27, participants must submit any updates or corrections to their 2017 Form One filings and must file the �day of test� information sought by ETRS Form Two. ETRS Form Three is due by Nov. 13, detailing post-test data. Both post-test forms will be available at the time of the test.
Remember that a copy of the revised handbook must be available to staff responsible for administering EAS tests.
According to a press release, its format allows each EAS participant to enter data specific to their own configuration, tailoring the operational steps outlined in the manual for local relevance. A writable PDF version can be found online.�